How to make an inventory of goods for your rent

This guide on how to make an inventory of goods is very useful if we want to sign a rental contract for a home or a place where furniture and/or appliances are included. In this way, you will leave evidence of the property contained in the estate, in order to minimize misunderstandings in the future due to its demeanor or loss, or to distinguish from other property added by the tenant.

When and how to make an inventory of goods?

  • When you want to rent a house or an apartment. 
  • When the property contains furniture.
  • To record the condition of the elements within the property. 
  • When the property has several rooms.
With the inventory, you create a detailed record of the condition and status of the elements contained in the property at the beginning and end of the lease, which protects your legal interests. Let’s see how to do an inventory correctly:

What does the inventory protect?

The inventory consists of the detailed and individualized relationship of the set of goods and rights. Therefore, the latter shall contain:
  • A complete, orderly and detailed list of furniture and accessories found in a house, apartment or local. 
  • The condition of carpets, walls and doors.
  • The conditions and status of these elements at the beginning and end of the lease, accompanied by a photographic report in order to prove the state of the goods.
The list must be written and signed by both parties when we are going to formalize the contract assuming the conformity of the same. In addition, setting an approximate value may provide a subsequent claim to the deceased or insurer.

With this we can register each and every one of the accessory goods that our property is made up of. This serves as a justification in case of controversy, and assures the possible claim of any malfunction.

Other inventories

Knowing how to make an inventory will also be very useful to improve a contract of sale of a home or local. It will collect all the furniture complements that it includes, its status, and category, for a price negotiation.
There are inventories of goods that must be written by experts and professionals for their validity:
  • Of the patrimony or assets of a company: the companies usually make inventories with certain periodicity.  It is a purely accounting calculation that serves both to know in detail what are the elements that integrate its patrimony, as well as its value, state of conservation and necessity of supply of new products.  The general inventories can be carried out by the same company, instead they will need accounting for the annual inventory. They have the obligation to do this calculation every time the fiscal period is closed (usually on December 31).
  • Of the property: once the community of property is dissolved, it will proceed with its liquidation which begins with an inventory of the assets and liabilities of the company to know the totality of the patrimony, according to the article 1396 CC. A wealth accounting manager will be the right person for this work.
  • Of patrimonial goods: In the elaboration of a will, a fundamental part to make the subsequent partition of the inheritance is the inventory of the deceased’s patrimony. These inventories must be drafted by professionals and registered in the property registry for validity.
Feel free to contact our experts if you need to inventory your assets.